Wednesday, February 27, 2008

CADA Convention Day 1 - February 27, 2008

Wow! What a great first day of the CADA Convention! I got to see lots of my old CADA friends, I got to catch up with some of my favorite speakers (the Original Mike Smith, Tyler Durman, Russ Peak, and Patrick Maurer), and show off my 13-month-old baby to everyone!

That artist we saw at the first General Session, David Garibaldi, was amazing! I enjoyed his message about using your "platform" to lead and inspire your students, and his skills with paint and canvas were unbelievable. He was a super nice guy to boot! My daughter seems to be saying, "Can you believe this guy? He's awesome!"

In two days, I will present "Elect Them, Select Them, and Hold Them Accountable: Surrounding Yourself with Great Student Leaders." My goal is to help new activities directors to see that the key to a great leadership program is to attract students to your program who are in it for the right reasons: to serve the students of their school. When you establish a culture of humility and service, you draw more students to your program who want to put others--and not themselves--on a pedestal.


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