Friday, February 29, 2008

If a kid gets detention or Saturday school, should they be removed from ASB? Can I put that in the application?

Hmmm. I certainly think that ASB students should be role models and examples of good behavior. I do have conduct rules in all my applications that kids (and parents) sign off on and agree to follow. The ONE student I had to kick out of ASB because of conduct was much easier to remove because I was able to cite specific portions of the agreement in his "ejection letter."

The applications and the dismissal letter are all available for download on this blog.

I should tell you that I did not remove the student right away. You gotta remember they're still kids, and as I teacher I feel it is our obligation to teach them to learn from their mistakes. Some of these kids have hard habits to break that have been instilled within them from home. Before that "ejection letter," the student and I had had several discussions about his conduct, and about how much I wanted him to be able to stay in ASB and contribute to the group. It finally got to the point, however, where I had to let him go (after he snuck into the Winter Formal without paying).

There would, of course, be SEVERE infractions for which I would immediately remove an ASB student. Weapons possession, drug or alcohol possession on campus, these would be automatic.

Hope that helps. Give me a holler if you have more questions. Also check out the conduct agreements and the "Letter Removing an ASB officer from office."


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